I first made a stained
glass of a heron standing in a river with a stone bridge in the early
1990s. It was a for-sale artwork, and you can see it here. Then, in 2021, I was asked
to create a version of the bridge without the heron for a home in
Maryland, just outside of Washington, DC. You can see that version here.
And now another client has asked for a version of the same design. This
time the clients wanted a dragonfly flitting over the water, and they
also wanted the trees to look like aspen trees turning into their fall
colors. This was a local project, so the client met me at the stained
glass wholesale supply where we selected some of the major glasses
including the one from which all of the aspen leaves would be cut.
Most projects I make are made with lead came, but this was one of the
few times where copper foil was the right choice, mostly because of the
complexity of the curved lines in the leaves. Using copper foil also
allowed me to leave some spaces in the glass pieces that make up the
stone bridge, which makes these spaces look like natural gaps in the
stonework that are filled with mortar.
I also put in a lot of extra effort in cutting the pieces of glass that became the aspen
leaves. By carefully labeling the paper patterns and then cutting adjacent
pieces in the design right next to each other from the sheet of
glass chosen for the leaves, I was able to make it look right wherever leaves go behind tree branches in the Design.
This photo does not come anywhere near conveying the beauty of this amazing artwork.
This panel is 26" wide and 71" tall.
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